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About Us

The MATRIX  (noun) is defined in the Oxford dictionary as the cultural, social, or political environment in which something develops or a mould in which something, such as a record or printing type, is cast or shaped.

The Intelligent Investors Matrix (or I2MatriX) is an exclusive community for the development of investors' financial intelligence through education, network, and investment and trading services. 

Investment Education:

We believe financial education is a lifelong learning process and we bring the best, experienced and knowledgeable experts in the field of investment and trading to share their knowledge, skills and experience to members of I2MatriX regularly. We provide training to both institutions and retail.

At this moment, we provide a trading program using MetaStock. Details here.

We conduct training on investments and training to and for Investment banks, Regulators, Financial institutions, 

Our speaker, Mr. Benny Lee, has spoken in local (Malaysia) and international conferences specializing in equities and commodities.


We also believe that sharing among investors and traders would edify and sharpen each other's skills and knowledge. Apart from fellowship and sharing, we will also occasionally invite professional traders and investors to share their skills, knowledge and expertise.

We highly believe that these three core activities will help our members to become successful investors and traders.

Please email to or click here for enquiries


Benny Lee

Founder of i2Matrix. A market strategist, private trader and sought-after financial speaker and trainer in the Asian Region, Benny Lee has coached hundreds of professional and retails traders and investors in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Vietnam, Pakistan for more than 13 years. His passion in trading and chart analysis leads him to develop trading strategies that have helped him and many others to trade and invest successfully in the financial markets.
Benny Lee is recognized by the Malaysian and Singapore Stock Exchange as a Credible Trainer. He has also trained professionals in Malaysia under Securities Commission’s Continuous Professional Education (CPE) Program. He is also a market strategist for a Malaysian stock-broking firm.
Benny has been invited to share his expert opinion in major commodities and financial events in Malaysia, Singapore, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Romania. His analysis on the financial markets can also be found on a regular basis in leading financial magazines like Smart Investor, Shares Investment Magazine and The Edge Daily in Malaysia, and Pulses Magazine in Singapore. He has also appeared on TV Financial Programs such as Capital TV (Malaysia), Channel News Asia (Singapore) and Sunbiz (Pakistan) to share his views about the markets and technical analysis.
Today, you can find his market comments regularly on The Financial Edge Daily (Wednesdays), Interview on BFM89.9 ( business radio station on Mondays at 9.00 am, The Busy Weekly, a Chinese business weekly and Palm Oil Fortune (A monthly magazine by the Malaysian Palm Oil Council, MPOC). His views are also regularly quoted on Bloomberg.